Exhibition at the Abbaye des Prémontrés (Pont-à-Mousson, 54) from February 25 to April 23, 2023. All the details on the Abbey website.
Bringing together contemporary foldings around historical pieces, original documents, graphic works and collectibles, the exhibition « Origami. Art and practice », proposed by the abbey of Prémontrés in partnership with the Mouvement français des plieurs de papier, invites you to explore the universe of origami in its diversity, from the most traditional gesture to the most current creations.
A tradition ?
If origami is, in the collective imagination, associated with an Asian tradition, paper folding has followed the path of paper and men, developing differently according to each society. From the Japanese crane to the European cocotte, via Chinese tradition and tableware, the uses and representations of origami reveal very different conceptions !
Folding practices
Developed internationally from the 1960s by very close communities, the practice of origami has diversified and adapted according to changes in society. From written instructions to the formation of a graphic language, from books to tutorials and online videoconferencing, paper folders use many means to share their practice and exchange, whether to « pass the time », to offer or to build real sculptures or collective installations.
Folding art
If the repertoire of foldings is already very extensive, the folders-creators continue to design and define new origami, bringing into play new techniques and bringing their perspective and their personal sensitivity. From improvisation to mathematical design, from geometric folding to poetic interpretation, creative origami is fertile ground. The gallery of authors presents a current and varied panorama of artistic origami.